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The author Niccolo Machiavelli and his 1505 political treatise The Prince are examined in five pages with its contemporary relevance among the topics of discussion. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 5
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The Decameron is considered in six pages in terms of the symbolism and themes contained within. Seven sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 6
In five pages this paper assesses the author's contention that symbolism and realism are both featured in Il Conformista. There are no other sources listed.
In six pages this paper examines the thematic relationship between assertive and strong women in these stories that appear in The Decameron. Three sources are cited in the bibliography.
The standpoint of a history student is taken in the examination of these Italian literary works that consists of seven pages. There are no other sources cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 7
This essay offers a discussion of Robert A. Orsi's The Madonna of 114h Street: Faith and Communityoi in Italian Harlem, 1880-1950. The writer describes how Orsi captures an accurate psychological profile of this Italian/American community. This five paper does not offer a bibliography.
In seven pages the poet and his poetry are examined in a consideration of how his style was molded by various cultural influences and a style characterized by words that were carefully selected. Six sources are cited in the bibliography.
In a paper consisting of six pages these themes are compared in the Italian literary works The Secret Diary by Alba De Cespedes and The Garden of the Finzi-Contini by Giorgio Bassani. There are two other sources cited in the bibliography.
In twelve pages the summaries of these Robert Graves' texts are presented with the focus being on comparing the author's interpretation of Claudius with the historical description. Ten sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 12
In five pages this paper provides a summary and thematic analysis of this work. There are three sources cited in the bibliography.
In eight pages this paper discusses risk taking within the context of Il Gattopardo by Tomasi di Lampedusa. Five other sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 8
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