• Research Paper on:
    'Everyday Use' by Alice Walker and the Character of Dee

    Number of Pages: 3


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    A character analysis of Dee as she is depicted in this short story is presented in three pages. There are no other sources listed.

    Name of Research Paper File: JR7_RAdeeuse.rtf

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    and education. Through such endeavors they often discover something valuable about themselves, and sometimes lose something of their heritage that they never understood. In the case of Dee Johnson we  see a young women whose upbringing, personality, and physical appearance all reveal reasons why her new found African heritage movement is so prolific to her. Despite her limited education and  economic condition as a child she rose to be a more financially and socially successful individual. Through her strong willed and dominant personality we see these attitudes and perspectives.  Dee As we enter into Walkers story we are put in a position where we see the simple life that Dee once led. Her mother and her sister still  exist in that simplistic lifestyle. And, we are also given information that illustrates how Dee was perhaps always treated a bit differently and how she was given opportunities, opportunities she  desired, to put herself higher than her family in terms of social and economic position. We sense that such will be the case of discovery early on when we see  life through Maggies eyes to some extent: "Maggie will be nervous until after her sister goes: she will stand hopelessly in corners, homely and ashamed of the burn scars down  her arms and legs, eyeing her sister with a mixture of envy and awe. She thinks her sister has held life always in the palm of one hand, that no  is a word the world never learned to say to her" (Walker NA). is revealed by many of her actions throughout the story. The fact that Dee obviously was  a young girl and woman who did not understand the word "no" gives us the foundation for understanding her determination and her focus, regardless of what catches her attention at 

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