In six pages this paper discusses the works of Joe Brainard and the artistic influence of Jackson Pollock in this examination of the 1960s' avant garde movement. Six sources are cited in the bibliography.
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would create their own unique images or succumb to the trends of the day. Still, it is often the case that theory and practice in art converge and artists follow
not their own drummer but the thoughts and ideas of their cohorts. During the 1960s there was a variety of trends and one was avant-garde. Still, before this new style
was made well known to some extent by Jackson Pollock and a number of other well known artists, there is a political history that provides a backdrop for the eruption
of this unique method in art. It is important to remember that art is rather universal and trends seem to come and go throughout the world. They are rarely
regional, but they do certainly emerge from one region or another. For example, many trends have come from Paris or New York. Political events influence art as well and
one can see this particularly in terms of Spanish art. Prior to the emergence of avant-garde, Stalins death opened things up tremendously and censorship gradually relaxed throughout the decades
that followed ("Painting," PG). Although censorship in the U.S. had faded during the 1960s, Soviet censorship did remain strong until glasnost was enacted during the mid-1980s (PG). Things began
to become freer during the 1960s, particularly in America, as expressed by the culture in general but also by the art world specifically. New styles of painting would emerge. An
exploration of the neo-avant-garde will changes the avant-garde story, especially if taking into consideration the fact that it had not been self-inflicted and it failed to put art into the
course of daily living ("European" PG). In any event, the political forces of European Fascism and Stalinist cultural politics had killed the avant-garde movement during the 1930s (PG). Little