This 6 page paper is made up of 3 research proposals with a research outline and a brief methodology. The proposals are to look at rrepresentations of computer-based learning in popular media, to assess representations of schooling on school websites and to examine children's help seeking strategies in an online educational discussion forum. The bibliography cites 20 sources.
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helping increase tools to aid children struggling in basic subjects through to providing subjects that may otherwise not be available (Richards, 2008). However, the use of computer based learning may
also be costly, taking up resources that may be used elsewhere and argued as having a potential disintermediation effect in some cases or providing learning services that would be better
provided in a different way (Azer and Eizenberg, 2008; Scase and Scott, 2001). The way that computer based learning is perceived will impact on the way it is implemented
and received. There are many sources of information, but the popular media can be a powerful source of information that is used to create opinion, even those that utilize professional
journals and professional or academic data sources have to take into account public opinion when determining policies (Graber, 2006), and those making the decision as well as influencing implementation will
not be immune to the influence of the media (Scott, 2008). For this reason it is important to assess the way that computer-based learning is represented in the popular
media, as understanding the representations that are found may help with understanding the influences that are exerted on the way decision regarding policies, implementation and use may occur, impacting different
stakeholders. 2. Methodology To assess the way popular media are representing computer based learning a comprehensive survey of the media needs to take place. There are different forms of
media; the first stage of the research will be to divide the media into different segments that can then be examined independently, such as television, the press, magazines and radio.
A range of articles from different sources in different sources within each class, making sure that a wide range is collected in order to get a sample that is as