A 5 page research paper that summarizes three research studies pertaining to diabetes mellitus that were conducted by nurse researchers. Nursing interventions have been shown to be a critical factor in promoting such diabetic self-management. These synopses demonstrate how nursing research is consistently exploring ways to improve intervention and make self-management of diabetes more effective. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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prevent many of these side effects. Proper management largely involves self-management by the diabetic individual. Nursing interventions have been shown to be a critical factor in promoting such self-management. Nursing
research is consistently exploring ways to improve intervention and make self-management of diabetes more effective. The following synopses detail three such research projects. Sigurdardottir (1999) investigated how diabetes nurse
specialists conceived of their role and function in relation to the task of starting an adult with insulin-dependent diabetes on insulin. Sigurdardottir begins this article by providing a brief history
of specialized nursing care for diabetic patients in the UK, stating the belief that diabetes nurses play a central role in supporting diabetic patients, teaching them the skills to effectively
manage their disease. The brief literature review that follows provides further support for the concept that nurses are essential to helping diabetics achieve metabolic control. In order to ascertain
how diabetes nurse specialist perceive of their role and function, Sigurdardottir (1999) employed, in this qualitative study, Heideggerian hermeneutic phenomenological study design, which is a method designed to discern the
origin of knowledge embedded in everyday practice. Sigurdardottir then cites instances where this study design has been employed by nurses in previous studies. This study was conducted in Great Britain
with a study sample of six female diabetes nurse specialists, who worked with a multidisciplinary team offering comprehensive diabetic care. All of the nurses in the study had degrees in
diabetic care and had worked in diabetic care. One in-depth interview was conducted with each volunteer participant. These interviews were conducted at the participants workplaces and were from 45
to 60 minutes in length. The interviews were tape-recorded and then transcribed. Some handwritten notes were also taken during the interviews. All of the nurses were asked the same question
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