• Research Paper on:
    A Character Analysis for Heart of Darkness and Typhoon

    Number of Pages: 6


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    A 6 page analysis of the characters presented by author Joseph Conrad. 4 sources.

    Name of Research Paper File: JR7_RAdark2.rtf

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    the imagery, the symbolism, and the message within a story. Without characters, in essence, there is no story. And, in the stories of Joseph Conrad this is an especially important  element. Conrads stories are often tales of the struggles and experiences of individual characters. His characters often find some form of enlightenment, or brave some new and unforeseen event. Two  of his most powerful stories are "Heart of Darkness" and "Typhoon." In the following paper we examine the two stories separately, discussing their characters. The paper then presents a brief  comparison and contrast of the characters within the stories. Heart of Darkness In its most basic format, the story that Conrad gives us in "Heart of Darkness" is  a story that primarily involves two men, "Marlow - English sailor and primary narrator" and "Kurtz - Ivory trader in charge of a remote outpost of the trading company In  London" (Anonymous Heart of Darkness: Overview heartofdarkness2.htm). While there are many more characters, these are the two main characters who provide us with the story and the various elements within  the story. The story, which "is written as seen through Marlows eyes," is one of discovery through the two primary characters (Anonymous Joseph Conrad 47.htm). In the beginning we  Marlow as a very energetic and eager young man who wants adventure and excitement. And, with the beginning of the story we see that is embarking on a "voyage up  the Congo...his first experience in freshwater navigation" (Anonymous Joseph Conrad 47.htm). In this, and in many other respects, we note that Marlow is an innocent, intelligent, and eager young man.  He hears tales of the infamous Kurtz, whom he is to find, and he is mesmerize by the man he will meet. But, he is not wise at this point, 

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