This 19 page paper presents a new marketing plan for Coca-Cola, based in the existing market position and conditions aiming to increase market share. The paper analyses the market conditions and then looks at the firm, the way that they compete and the marketing that has already taken place so that the new proposal will fit in with the existing image and message. The bibliography cites 9 sources.
Name of Research Paper File: TS14_TEnewcokem.rtf
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However, once market share is gained the battle is then on to keep that market share. Coca-Cola have been the dominant supplier of carbonated drinks for many years, with Pepsi
trying to catch up, for the diet versions of the branded drinks the position is reversed, Diet Pepsi is the number one diet brand followed by Diet Coke. The
current market conditions are challenging, there a number of influencing having a negative impact on the carbonated drinks market, such as increased health awareness and government pressure, including abandoning vending
machines containing unhealthy options in schools and increased choice from other alternative drink types (Richards et al, 2007), through to the economic influences; with carbonated drinks being a discretionary purchase
that may decline. For Coca-cola to retain market share as well a grow it is essential that the marketing is kept up to date and that marketing is undertaken
carefully to prevent the image becoming stale and leading the product into the decline stage of the lifecycle, instead marketing needs to renew and support a suitable image (Kotler and
Keller, 2008). The firm already has a strong image, so any marketing needs to take into consideration this image and positioning so that there are no conflicting messages sent and
that the message appeals to the target market and supports the positioning. To develop a suitable marketing plan it is essential to look at the company itself, its current
marketing, strategy and segmentation, and build on these factors as well as looking at the market place itself. 2. The Marketplace In
total, according to the Beverage Marketing Corporation in the US there are 192 gallons of liquid consumed each year by every person, weekly this is about 3.7 gallons and in