A 6 page paper which examines 4
different aspects of James Pennebaker’s “Opening Up: The Healing Power of Expressing
Emotions.” No additional sources cited.
Name of Research Paper File: JR7_RApennbk.rtf
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not want to rehash old sorrows and we feel that if we truly let ourselves go to our present sorrows or struggles we will have a hard time finding a
sense of balance that allows us to go on with our lives. In essence, we hide much of who we are and how we feel from others, as well as
from ourselves. In James Pennebakers "Opening Up: The Healing Power of Expressing Emotions" the author argues, with evidence that supports the argument, that expressing ourselves is far more healthier than
we may have thought. By disclosing some of our most painful moments in life we can expect to actually possess better health, both physically and mentally. The following paper examines
his work by first providing a summary of the work and then discussing the major premise of Pennebakers book. The paper then examines proof provided by Pennebaker and finishes with
a discussion of how his claims may be seen as very important. Summary In providing a somewhat extended summary of the book, which will assist in further analysis,
we look at the individual chapters. The first chapter involves the basic premise of the work itself, focusing on how inhibitions are dangerous. He illustrates how they are hard work,
how they effect people biologically, how it influences our ability to think, and other concerns associated with the basic condition of inhibitions which is the act of not disclosing information
about ourselves, either to ourselves or to others. The second chapter more specifically addresses how inhibitions can threaten ones health. He illustrates how, when we push away our thoughts
and discussions involving difficult experiences and thoughts, we are inadvertently harming ourselves from a biological perspective. Chapter 3 is titled "Becoming healthier through writing" wherein Pennebaker illustrates how writing about