• Research Paper on:
    Analyzing the Novel Love in the Time of Cholera

    Number of Pages: 6


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    In six pages this paper examines how magical realism highlights the novel's love story. There are five bibliographic sources cited.

    Name of Research Paper File: D0_GSLovein.rtf

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    forces of opposition - from the nature of love to the despair of cholera and the prominence of death in the era in which the book is set. The interesting  viewpoint which the author offers throughout the course of this novel, is that of a magical reality. While the actions and events of this novel are indeed possible, they  border on surreal. The most noted example of this notion being the years in which Florentino spends his time waiting for Fermina to return his love. Every indication  is that she will not return his love, and still his patience and perseverance pay off. By the end of the novel Fermina and Florentino do re-unite and  this has both positive and negative implications. On the one hand, it does show the persistence of Florentino and the depth of his desire to be with Fermina.  On the other hand, it also shows the obsessive nature of his love and that real love requires shared experiences. There is indeed the feeling of magical realism  throughout this intriguing novel. The author of this novel manages to portray the lives of these characters almost as being larger than life. While based in reality, these  characters live lives of extremes, and the magic which pervades their lives eludes to the surreal nature of the story. The Use of Magical Realism in this Novel  The use of magical realism is evident throughout Love in the Time of Cholera. Even the title itself evokes such diametrically  opposed feelings - one of the magic of love and the other the horror of the terrible disease of cholera. Bringing these two elements together then is indeed a 

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