This 5 page paper is an annotated outline of a proposal for research on a personality test known as the 'five factor model' or the NEO Personality Inventory. The bibliography cites 20 sources.
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personality traits whose combination can be interpreted to indicate the leadership, as well as other traits, of the individual 2. The five factors are neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness,
and conscientiousness I. Literary on the Subject includes; 1. An introduction to the five-factor model and its applications by R Macrae, and 0. P. John in 1992 by
the Journal of Personality. The basis of the test design was the California Psychological Inventory (CPI), costs were nit indicated. 2. Identity, self, and personality: III. Identity style
and the five-factor model of personality by S. M. Clancy Dollinger published in 1995 in the Journal of Research in Personality. The cost of the research was not indicated.
I. The basis for the test design 1. To test the accuracy of the measurement of personality traits using the five factor model. 2. To ascertain its accuracy
by comparison with other tests ; the California Psychological Inventory 3. The California Psychological Inventory to act as a bench mark 4. Due to the nature of the test, verification
of a model, quantitative information is needed more than qualitative information. 5. Sample is split into two, both randomly selected from the sample 6. The sample is made up
of people who will be in a position to show leadership ability, as this is the characteristic being measured. 7. A control group will also exist. I. Inherent
problems in models constructed in this manner 1. They will all become mathematical equations in basis. 2. The equations are so complex they can only be performed by a
complex and involved computer programme designed specifically to the task. 3. The results can be interpreted in many ways. 4. Groth-Marnat has narrowed it down to only two factors which