• Research Paper on:
    Best Buy (Marketing Case Study)

    Number of Pages: 8


    Summary of the research paper:

    This 8 page paper examines print and Internet advertising as it hones in on various marketing segments. Best Buy advertising is discussed as it emerged in the 1990s and today, as it appears to target those who want excellent pricing, no matter what their age. An abstract is included. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

    Name of Research Paper File: RT13_SA525B.rtf

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    towards Internet advertising and print media is seen as relayed by this inquiry. A recent print advertisement and Internet ad is compared and contrasted to determine how it might reach  its target audience. While it appears that Best Buy markets to a variety of segments, it tends to focus on the working and middle classes who are looking for affordable  pricing and financing options. Best Buys "thousands of possibilities" slogan seems to reach this sector that is seeking affordable options for electronics. The inquiry demonstrates that its print advertisements are  geared for the younger set while the Internet ad would appeal to various marketing segments. Online marketing differs from marketing in the  brick and mortar world. Many companies have web sites and pay for banner ads and this serves a segment of the populous, but there is a lot to be said  about print media, television advertising and so forth that reaches a wide array of individuals. In comparing and contrasting how Best Buy markets online and in the print media to  its target audiences, it seems that there are many similarities but differences as well. For example, at the Best Buy web site there is in the center of the site  an ad that says "keeping cool in the summer is possible" ("Best Buy," 2005). Next to it is a refrigerator packed with water and other beverages as well as some  food. Many of the labels are blue as is the background. The blue is perhaps equivalent to an ocean blue, and a bit lighter than the navy that provides a  background for the Best Buy logo. The ad is not advertising a particular refrigerator but rather uses it as a gimmick for its keep cool idea. It is an ad 

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