• Research Paper on:
    Bringing High-Speed Internet Connections to the Cable Company

    Number of Pages: 8


    Summary of the research paper:

    An 8 page paper discussing Harvard Case 9-597-050. Rogers Communications, Inc. is Canada’s largest cable TV provider and is assessing the advisability of entering the high-speed Internet service provider market. Though there was potential for several high-speed options in the future, none were available to cable customers in 1995. Rogers’ board has approved the project as long as it is completely funded with subscriber fees, and market research has indicated that cable modem service will be of interest only to a portion of potential customers. The paper makes recommendations for what Rogers can do. Includes a SWOT analysis and two tables. Bibliography lists 1 source.

    Name of Research Paper File: CC6_KSwave.doc

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    provider market. Though there was potential for several high-speed options in the future, none were available to cable customers in 1995. Rogers board has approved the project as  long as it is completely funded with subscriber fees, and market research has indicated that cable modem service will be of interest only to a portion of potential customers.  Those interested in the service are willing to pay premium prices for it, but those only casually interested in the Internet view it more as entertainment and are unwilling to  provide the revenues Rogers needs to ensure success. Other technologies are advancing, and Rogers needs to either move immediately to secure leadership position  or wait for Internet use to grow to ensure that an adequate number of customers will subscribe to the service. SWOT  Analysis Strengths * Rogers is Canadas largest supplier of cable TV and cellular telephone services. * Rogers involvement in all types of media gives it a sound knowledge of each.  * Cable provided opportunity for customers to link multiple TVs to a single cable connection, but satellite reception required a customer-purchased box for each connected TV along with additional monthly  service charges. * Transfer of data is extremely fast on not dependent on phone lines, leaving customers phones free for use. * Cable modem technology dominated all others then in  existence. Weaknesses * Rogers in unfamiliar either with the Internet or the needs of those using it. * Ventures into other media in years past have been accompanied by  high capital costs, resulting in high interest charges. Rogers has profited enough from each so that the company has reported no loss, but neither have the net earnings from 

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