• Research Paper on:

    Number of Pages: 10


    Summary of the research paper:

    This 10-page paper focuses on communications difficulties between a company's headquarters in and branch offices. In this case, the company in question is BIC a fictitious investment brokerage firm that has been struggling with issues of lost documents and employee refusal to use the newly developed ERP system. The paper focuses on offering the problem and proposing solutions.

    Name of Research Paper File: D0_MTpapcas.rtf

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    headquarters and branch offices. The reason for this particular case study is important -- although we live in an age in which  communications is supposed to be faster, better and easier to use, there still remains a problem that information doesnt necessarily get from point A to point B when it is  needed. Further compounding the problem is that sometimes even if communications arrives at its destination in a timely fashion, it can be misinterpreted or misunderstood.  In this scenario, we will be investigating a company that is having this type of problem. Because of the nature of the Companys business, a  lot of paperwork is generated and it is essential that communications be quite clear between headquarters and branches and the Company and its customers. Incorrect or delayed communications doesnt  only mean a loss of customer service, it can also mean a loss of savings for clients. Because of this, an analysis of the problem and some recommendations for  solutions are important. Although this particular case study is very loosely based on one found on the Internet (at the web site  http://www.kofax.com/learning/casestudies/ascent_vrs_case_jcbradford.asp), this is for the most part an original scenario. J.C. Bradford & Company, on which this case study is loosely based, is not necessarily a loan and having difficulties  with communications. And unlike this particular case study, Bradford was able to solve its problems efficiently. The student needs to keep  in mind that the following company is a fictitious company and not in any way based on a specific corporation or enterprise. The company is however a good example 

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