• Research Paper on:
    Chesnutt's The Marrow of Tradition

    Number of Pages: 5


    Summary of the research paper:

    This paper discusses how society and biracial extended families are presented in this text in 5 pages. There is 1 source cited in the bibliography.

    Name of Research Paper File: JL5_JLChestnutt.rtf

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    characters. Bibliography lists one source. JLChestnutt.rtf "The family and society in The Marrow of Tradition" Research Compiled for Enterprises Inc By ,  January 2013 To Use This Report Correctly, Please   In The Marrow of Tradition, Chestnutt is dealing with a number of wide-ranging themes concerning the notion of  family, social justice, equality and fairness through the close study of one particular family for whom all these elements impinge on their existence and their future potential. Many of the  broad social issues which affected individuals in the period about which Chestnutt writes are delineated through the eyes of the family themselves; they are the victims of injustice at the  hands of the law, at the hands of the bigoted, at the hands of the deceitful.  The complex genealogy of the family, and the way in which white and black interact with one  another, results in a convoluted narrative in which attempts to redress injustice are not always successful and it appears that the only ethical way in which to proceed is, in  effect, to transcend ones personal feelings and take the morally right action even if this is not necessarily of benefit to oneself. For example, when Janet tells her husband that  he must save the life of Olivias son, she is disregarding the wrongs which have been done to her by Olivias family and taking a stance which is based on 

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