In fifteen pages differences between democracies, socialist governments, and monarchies are examined in a consideration of the effects of political changes and the redefinition of class roles with France, Germany, Great Britain, and the U.S. the primary focuses of discussion. Seven sources are cited in the bibliography.
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to reign unconditionally. Traditionally, the power and class structures in the monarchies consist of three classes: the nobility, the church and the "third estate" which is essentially anyone who is
not in the nobility or the church. The third estate in a monarchy consists of the merchants, entrepreneurs and the peasants all of whom pay taxes. In most cases, the
wealth of the merchant class increases through industrialization and although the third estate provides most of the wealth for the country, it ends up within the noble class through taxation.
The peasants are also severely taxed and oppressed through this uneven distribution of wealth. Eventually, monarchies usually end in revolution when the middle and lower classes overcome the upper classes
in most often violent struggles. Modern day monarchies, like in Britain, survive however because of the establishment of a constitutional government which guarantees the population certain rights and fair representation.
Constitutional governments often go hand in hand with the ideals of democracies similar to that in the United States and most of Western Europe. Democracies are institutional arrangements used to
determine political decisions through an election of individuals by the population. In a true democracy, the elected individuals are to carry out the good will and common good of the
people and it is the people who decide the issues through elections. Theoretically, democracies should be formed for a long term basis but many democracies in the modern world are
based on shorter term political decisions and consist of conflicting parties within the system. Classes still exist within democracies but all classes are supposed to have fair and equal representation.
Quite often in democracies, the "representative government" ends up becoming the ruling elite. Fair and equal representation and equal distribution of wealth is actually based upon the socialist doctrine. As
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