In five pages this report considers cochlear implants in children and the associated factors and learning processes. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.
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a far greater range of possibilities available to them but McConkey-Robbins makes it clear that training and a focused education program are still key components in the communication and learning
process for such children. Therefore, it is essential that a well-crafted and individualized education plan (IEP) be in place so that teachers, parents, therapists, and others working with the child
be on the same educational and training page. Multiple Factors McConkey-Robbins points out that there are a number of factors which must be considered in order to maximize
the capabilities of a child with a cochlear implant. For example, the age at which the child received his or her implant is important in terms of whether or not
a teacher will emphasize didactic learning or rely more heavily on incidental teaching. In addition, the ways in which a child is able to take full advantage of "incidental learning"
or what they learn as a matter of association between similar things or situations. The example she uses is one in which a child understands that the gas flame burner
on the stove at her house can burn her because she has been burned. She then understands that the electrical burner on the stove at her grandmothers house can do
the same thing. In other words, she is able to generalize that the stove is used for cooking regardless of what kind of stove it is. Therefore, the rings, burners,
or grids on the stove will get hot regardless of how they differ in appearance from one another but they all can burn. The child has "generalized" information received and
is able to apply it to other circumstances than the one in which the particular "lesson" was learned. Research done by Connor, Hieber, Arts, and Zwolan (2000) was conducted