• Research Paper on:
    Collaborative Leadership

    Number of Pages: 3


    Summary of the research paper:

    A 2 page paper that describes and explains collaborative leadership. This style is one of the democratic-type leadership models and is based on gaining import from workers with at least some decisions. It is inherently incorporates a distribution of power and authority. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

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    Edinburgh, 2002). A collaborative leader might give the group an assignment, set critical parameters for the result and then let the group decide how the task will be done and  which of the group members will be responsible for completing specific components of the task (University of Edinburgh, 2002). The collaborative leader always keeps in mind that he or  she carries the crucial responsibility for leadership and for the outcome of the assignment (University of Edinburgh, 2002). This leader seeks and values discussion and input from employees and  can be observed drawing on the strengths of each member of the team to gain the best performance from each of them (University of Edinburgh, 2002). The collaborative leader motivates  subordinates by empowering them to be involved in decisions and to make some of those decisions themselves (University of Edinburgh, 2002). The downside is that the collaborative leader can  easily be viewed as someone who is unsure of himself and his relationship with subordinates (University of Edinburgh, 2002). He could be seen as being incapable of making a decision  without group discussion or making a decision completely on his own (University of Edinburgh, 2002). In some peoples minds, the collaborative leader is not a leader because he or she  is not leading the team in all aspects of the job or task (University of Edinburgh, 2002). Collaborative leadership should not be confused with consensus leadership. Particpative or collaborative decision  making involves input from the team members for most issues. There are times when the leader will not seek any input and there are also times when the leader will  do what he or she believes is right regardless of the opinions of team members. The consensus style, on the other hand, means that the decisions are made by the 

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