• Research Paper on:
    Comparing Amazon.com with Barnes and Noble

    Number of Pages: 5


    Summary of the research paper:

    In five pages this paper relies primarily upon SWOTT analysis to discuss the click and brick status favored by Barnes and Noble and the click and click preference of Amazon. There are two bibliographic sources cited.

    Name of Research Paper File: RT13_SA216BN.rtf

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    is Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble. Each sells books for the most part, but has expanded beyond that model. Amazon.com, a company that only has Internet presence and has  been Jeff Bezoss wonder child of the net--a company that has expanded rapidly but could never make a profit--has aligned itself with Toys R Us and Target. The list goes  on. Amazon.com has grown to be a mecca of stores, and while Barnes & Noble with its online store, and brick and mortar alternative, has incorporated a multitude of marketing  tools, special deals, new stores, coffee bars and more, Amazon.com may be considered a hard competitor. In comparing and contrasting these two companies, it pays to do a SWOTT  analysis. First, a SWOTT analysis for Amazon.com would look something like the following: Strengths -- The company finally turned a profit in 2001, reporting a net profit of $5 million  ("Amazon.com," 2002, p. 86) during the fourth quarter. --The web site is easily maneuverable. --Because it has no physical presence in most states, people do not have to submit sales  tax to the company. --It has multiple alliances such as Target and Toys R Us. --Shipping options and package tracking is state of the art. Weaknesses --Customer service has  always been lacking as too much time is spent resolving problems. --Overuse of cookies, and a seeming lack of anonymity has turned some customers off. --The site now  has perhaps too many alliances which makes shopping somewhat more complicated. --Sometimes specials such as free shipping, that has an array of requirements, are confusing due to the specific criteria  that must be met Opportunities --Amazon.com can stop expanding and adding stores and concentrate on selling books and other primary products. --The company has recently turned a profit and 

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