In this paper consisting of ten pages a cultural comparison between these nations is made and through a nonverbal communication analysis cultural differences are defined for greater insight into these nations. There are five bibliographic sources cited.
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exist and can impact the understanding of nonverbal communication. Bibliography lists 5 sources. MHNonVAK.rtf A Cultural Comparison of Nonverbal Communications Between
Koreans and Americans Written by 10/2001 Please Nonverbal communication, including eye contact, physical gesturing,
facial expressions and even the use of handshake, all convey messages that are based in cultural perspectives. Theorists have recognized that when nonverbal communication occurs across cultures,
misunderstandings and misinterpretations can happen and that there is a need to recognize cultural differences as they influence how nonverbal communications are interpreted (Singh, McKay and Singh, 1998). Some
very common forms of nonverbal communication for Americans, for example, including the handshake, do not have the same meaning in Asian cultures, including the culture of Korea. This kind
of cultural basis for nonverbal communication is an important consideration as the global culture expands and international borders become less defined. A comparative view of
American and Korean cultures and the interpretation of nonverbal communication is demonstrative of the problem of cultural variations in general. For example, theorists have argued that people of more
holistic cultures have a greater propensity for listening with their eyes rather than with their ears, and so their body language often is determined by closer proximity and a greater
degree of physical expression (Singh, McKay and Singh, 1998). In Asian countries, the use of handshakes and other forms of bodily contact are limited and are generally less observed,
even when Western influences exist or there is a relative familiarity with the tradition in the business setting (Singh, McKay and Singh, 1998). But in Western tradition, the use