In a paper consisting of ten pages Amazon's success is evaluated in terms of the theoretical strategies of control, leadership, organization, and planning. There are thirteen bibliographic sources listed.
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leading, and controlling within that company. There are many companies that may be chosen to demonstrate the way that these concepts operate. If we use a well known company the
emphasis may be on the theories and how they apply to that company. If we look at there are many factors we can look at in terms of the
way they plan, organise lead and control their operations. This well known company operates as an internet retailer of a range of good, having gained a competitive advantage though the
i-click programme and the use of technology as well as establishing a first mover advantage were only two aspects of the companies planning and organisation. In looking at how the
processes take place the planning and organisation strategy will emerge from the process when undertaken. Businesses need to plan the way they
are going to compete. This planning needs to be conducted at different levels to incorporate the various aspects of values culture and expectations of the stakeholders that are seen as
relevant to the management. The different aspects of planning can be seen as reflecting values and use of both resources as well as goals. The business policy will be
a generalised value. For example, some companies may have a policy regarding fair trade, such as Ben and Jerrys of the Body Shop, others may have personal policies.
These will be general values that reflect the values of the company. They are not specific in how they are realised or the operational requirements for them to be enacted.
Therefore, a business policy may be seen as a guiding plan that is intended to influence the way in which the operation sets and reaches its goals. The strategy
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