• Research Paper on:
    Conduct Disorder: A Review of the Literature and a Proposed Study

    Number of Pages: 17


    Summary of the research paper:

    A 17 page overview of conduct disorder. This paper relates that the author's own childhood experiences cemented their interest in this disorder. A detailed review of five articles is provided as is a proposal for additional research. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

    Name of Research Paper File: AM2_PPcndct3.rtf

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    TOPIC OF INTEREST Counseling offers a number of opportunities for  specialization. Often we choose that area of specialization on the basis of our past experiences. In my case, for example, I am interested in conduct disorder as it  manifests in urban at-risk elementary aged children. Conduct disorder is a serious condition which manifests itself in the tendency of individuals to exhibit destructive tendencies which target either property,  people or animals. These individual deceive and steal as it suits their purpose and have not regard for the rights and rules of others. They also show a  lack of remorse and empathy. My experiences growing up in an urban community allowed me the opportunity to observe many children  that were struggling with conduct disorder. The obvious question that I have in mind is why does conduct disorder impact some children and not others. An obvious answer  might be the disintegration of the nuclear family and a change in the core values that many families pass on to their children. When these families perceive a problem  they are often reluctant to seek help for that problem because of the labeling that is too often incurred. Conduct disorder is, however, a problem and it is often  a problem that is associated with the childs environment and poor parenting skills. Unfortunately, conduct disorder is being evidenced more and more frequently  among our nations youth. So too is the disintegration of the traditional family. The term "family" typically brings to mind the traditional structure of a mother, a father 

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