In five pages this paper examines linguistics in terms of construal theory relationships, parsing, and right association. Six sources are cited in the bibliography.
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must therefore follow independent conditions. The same can be held true when the construal theory, as discussed by Frazier and Clifton which relates that some phrases, like relative clauses, seem
to float in regards to their phrase attachment to the tree and their interpretation is independent of the placement but is more related to its content. This independent interpretation of
ambiguous phrases is a consistent theme within recent linguistic theory. In Colin Phillips paper "Right Association in Parsing and Grammar" he reflects upon
several techniques found in psycholinguistics to analyze sentence structure and compares different theories of parsing. He states that it is clear to realize that sentence parsing and grammatical judgements in
sentence structures are different in nature. There are sentences which are easy to parse, yet ungrammatical which he shows as "that-trace effects" and those sentences which prove difficult to parse
yet may be judged grammatical at an appropriate time regarding the reflection, for instance in the case of multiple center embedded sentences (Phillips, 1995). While it remains clear that parsing
and grammatical acceptance are not parallel there may be a number of effects of ambiguity which can take within both domains. Phillips model wants to prove the undermining ambiguity which
may take place in both parsing and grammar which has at its basis situations in which structure is underdetermined by meaning. There are point found in the structure of literature
at which comprehension of the sentence occurs when the input is consistent with more than one structure. Not knowing the intended meaning by the speaker, the listener must make a
structural choice independent of the meaning which is a process used in interpreting ambiguity in most cases and is referred to as processing ambiguity (Phillips, 1995). Syntactic ambiguity, on