A 7 page paper which analyzes the text while relating it to world political issues such as realism and idealism, foreign policy decision-making, great power rivalries (conflict), democracies, liberalism, and human rights. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
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of fact. This is especially true of the Latin American political sphere, most notably, Argentina, where "observers will immediately recognize several features that reoccur in its history" (Llamazares, 2005,
p. 1671). What is most repetitive (and destructive) has been "the militarys... pervasive presence" (Resende-Santos, 2002, p. 89). Journalist Jacobo Timerman (1923-1999) discovered this firsthand as he reported
on the constant state of turmoil that has long characterized Argentine politics in the liberal newspaper, La Opinion. Timerman (1981) observed, "The ideology motivating the Argentine military stems more
from a notion of the world they [sic] reject than from a world they would like to attain" (p. 94). As all students contemplating Argentine politics will undoubtedly discover,
there is perhaps no military presence that has cast a longer shadow on Argentine politics than that of Colonel Juan Peron, who originally became President/dictator of Argentina in 1946 but
was driven into exile by 1955 because of widespread inflation, a rift with the middle-class majority, and discord with the Roman Catholic Church (Stevenson, 1998). After a succession of
lackluster military leaders, an exiled Peron returned triumphantly to Argentina, won the presidency again, and installed his third wife, Isabel, a one-time belly dancer with no political experience, as Vice
President (Stevenson, 1998). It quickly became obvious that the aging and ailing Peron was not up to the task of minimizing extremism (with ironically, both leftists and rightists declaring
themselves to be Peronists), which eventually eroded the political center (Stevenson, 1998). When Peron died in 1974 and the hapless Isabel assumed the presidency, it was a recipe for
disaster; within two years, a military coup ousted Mrs. Peron, and "established a heartless and brutal dictatorship that was without parallel in Argentine history"(Fiss, 1995, p. 1186). During the reign