This 3 page paper discusses the characteristics of a fair society. The writer looks at democracy, as well as other societies such as commmunism and the ancient Athenian model. The writer also discusses the tension between Republicans and Democrats. There are 4 sources listed in the bibliography.
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about. Karl Marx (1992) for example proposed in his Communist Manifesto that communism is a perfect solution for mans woes. He speculated that the distress experienced by man is related
to a sense of alienation or a detachment from his work. And while his thesis is plausible and admirable, communism has never effectively been implemented. Rather than communism being responsible
for the creation of a good society, fascist societies would be a part of the paradigm. This was something that Marx would never have supported. In contemplating the problem,
it is clear that many solutions that have been proposed appear plausible, but are really not workable. Even so, it seems as if the values that are found in
a democratic society are workable. That is, if the people would all rule and have their say, then fairness and equity would be accomplished. Unfortunately, this is another idea that
appears to look better on paper. Why? Looking at the United States for instance, while democracy is supported fervently, it is only a representative democracy. At the same time, while
to some extent such a society does not work, the values that support an inclusive and democratic society are worthy of contemplation. Some values to emanate from democratic societies
include the right to be heard, the right to the pursuit of happiness, and all the freedoms and entitlements that come with many democracies. Unlike other types of governments, where
people are not free, representative democracies -- the only kind that really exist-- allow the people to vote and so they may participate in government. Although some might balk at
the fact that direct democracy does not exist, and that in America the electoral vote elects the president and not the popular vote, it should be noted that direct democracy