This 4 page paper provides information on the controversy with a focus on health information. Both sides of the issue are explored. A proposal for a research project is included. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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have advantages for patients and physicians, there are detriments. While the democratization of information has implications in a variety of areas such as the music industry, education and the like,
many people access the Internet because they want to do their own medical research. Of course, patient education is important, but physicians today sometimes spend more time correcting misinformation that
a patient derives from the Internet than they would if they would just relay a small amount of information to the patient about their conditions. The general public
often is not able to discern a site created by a "quack" and good, solid medical information. While physicians sometimes will hand out leaflets to demonstrate which sites are acceptable,
and which to stay away from, people with unusual conditions or diseases are prey for unscrupulous individuals who want to make money off of someone elses misfortune. There are people
who sell medical items online that have unsubstantiated claims attached. Even patients milling about in medical journals often take things out of context. While of course some intelligent patients should
have access to medical journals and a variety of information at their fingertips, the democratization of information provides a broad array of data to the general public that can even
be dangerous. II. Review of Literature Raskin (1994) notes that the information superhighway is actually slow and prone to disseminate misinformation, and it is actually expensive and inefficient.
The democratization of information through the networks message threads results in the alteration of information and serves to inspire all users to consider themselves authorities (1994). This means that
although the democratization of information is a reality, is it really a reality that the society wants? The author notes that message threads reminds her of a childrens