A 5 page research paper that offers a hypothetical research study proposal, designed to investigate the extent to which depression is a complicating factor in elderly prognoses. Research suggests that this topic has not been fully explored and may be a factor in facilitating the goal of positive nursing outcomes. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Name of Research Paper File: D0_khgerdep.rtf
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in regards to their healthcare needs. Yet many times the needs of elderly citizens are either overlooked or not met. For example, a high prevalence rate of major depression has
been reported in elderly populations, which includes medical inpatients (11.5%-13.2%) and nursing home residents (9.7%-12.6%) (Bruce, et al, 2002). Frequently, in elderly primary care patients, depression goes undiagnosed and,
when it is diagnosed, it is often not fully treated (Bruce, et al, 2002). Therefore, this research study proposes to investigate the extent to which depression is a complicating factor
in elderly prognoses. Research suggests that this topic has not been fully explored and may be a factor in facilitating the goal of positive nursing outcomes. Literature Review Research
indicates that the emotional and mental health of elderly patients can be directly connected to a variety of conditions and circumstance, including health habits, relationship with family members, sense of
self and religious beliefs (McPhee, Johnson and Dietrich, 2004). A qualitative study conducted by Bickerstaff, Grass and McCabe (2003) points out that losses later in life can be a salient
factor in whether or not elderly individuals suffer from depression. This research team, therefore, designed a study to identify the qualities in selected nursing home residents that facilitate their weathering
the difficulties and losses inherent with aging. The assumption is often made that, with age comes transcendental wisdom, but research shows that the reality of life for geriatric patients
frequently does not fit this description. For this study, qualitative data were obtained via taped interviews with 95 residents (average 82.16 years). This research study obtained its data from
a larger study of long-term care facilities. In the larger study, two face-to-face interviews were conducted with 180 residents (Bickerstaff, Grasser and McCabe, 2003). During the second interview, the participants