• Research Paper on:
    Feminism And Postmodernism/Postculturalism: What Do They Offer Nursing Scholars Interested In Industry Power Relations?

    Number of Pages: 4


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    4 pages in length. The extent to which feminism and postmodernism/postculturalism have an impact upon nursing scholars who are interested in industry power relations is both grand and far-reaching. That the entire nursing field has developed through the years into a critical component of overall health care speaks to the nature of strength, power, insight and tenacity inherent to the female spirit; in order for nursing scholars to combat the ever-present aspect of male-oriented power relations, it is important for the tenets of feminism and postmodernism/postculturalism to lead the way. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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    That the entire nursing field has developed through the years into a critical component of overall health care speaks to the nature of strength, power, insight and tenacity inherent  to the female spirit; in order for nursing scholars to combat the ever-present aspect of male-oriented power relations, it is important for the tenets of feminism and postmodernism/postculturalism to lead  the way. Postmodern thought was the breaking free of certain social, political and economic strangulation that decreed all followers must abide by the  same doctrines. Until Florence Nightingale set the standard for the entire industry to follow, nurses were relegated to menial tasks that hardly addressed the very nature of healing.  Since the postmodern movement, however, attitudes and approaches have changed to the point where nurses are considered inextricable components of the holistic approach to health care. Clearly, nurses play  an integral role in the overall development and application of standards of care, the transmission of scientific and humanistic caring, professional performance, ethics, as well as the level of competency  expected from the industry. "Nursing is a series of pathways to different levels of practice" (Williams, 1996, p. 35). As a socially  committed citizen who addresses health needs of the local, national, and global community, nursing will forever be honing their skills as a means by which to accommodate the power relations  of an ever-changing society. In order to establish a strong future desire to continue addressing these inherent challenges, nursing scholars should consider how there are always new and improving  ways to address myriad circumstances. Remaining close within the industrys ongoing development is one particularly effective way to ensure future opportunities for meaningful progression, which challenges them to "base 

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