• Research Paper on:
    Gijs Bakker

    Number of Pages: 5


    Summary of the research paper:

    In five pages this illustrious designer is examined in terms of his training, innovations, contributions, philanthropic efforts, and role as an educator. Six sources are cited in the bibliography.

    Name of Research Paper File: D0_TJgijsb1.rtf

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    Bakker went on to not only continue to win awards and create new exhibitions with his own works but also created foundations and projects which continue to push the design  industry into new and innovative areas. He continues to give back and teach in the design community by lecturing at the Design Academy in Eindhoven.  Gijs Bakker was born in Amersfoort, The Netherlands on February 20, 1942. Since that time he was trained as a jewellery and industrial designer in Amsterdam and  Stockholm. Bakkers designs cover a wide variety of areas from jewellery, to home accessories and appliance, interior design, furniture, public structures and exhibitions (gijs bakker design; Drutt).  Bakker and his late wife Emmy van Leersum brought what was considered the minimalist tradition to the cutting edge of Dutch jewellery design in the late  1960s and 1970s. One of their important exhibitions at the time was "Sculptures to Wear" which toured in Amsterdam in 1966 and London in 1967 (The Exhibition Holysport).  Through his work as a designer, Bakker has worked for companies such as Polaroid, Artifor, HEMA and van Kempen en Begeer and has been  the design advisor for Cor Unum since 1992. Academically, he has lectured at the Design Department of the Academy of Fine Arts in Arnhem and Delft University of Technology and  has taught as a professor at the Design Academy in Eindhoven since 1987 (gijs bakker design). One of his most famous aspects of  the design world is being co-founder of Droog Design in 1993 with Renny Ramakers. Droog Design (which means "dry" in Dutch), is considered by some as the combination of fun 

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