In fifteen pages the artistic variations that have existed in various cultures and time periods are discussed in terms of human impressions and perceptions. Twelve sources are cited in the bibliography.
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From the most primitive aspects of our history we have created and with our creations we have made impressions on others. Indeed, many of these impressions have survived
the ravages of time to make impressions even on contemporary society. One has to only view these primitive works of art to attest to that contention. It would
be difficult to accept that the cave paintings of France or North America, for example, have any less impact on the viewer today than they did when they were originally
created. Likewise, Rembrandt, Picasso, and Dali still have as much impact on the audiences today as they did yesterday. We must admit, however, that the role of art
and the precise type of impact it may have has changed over time. It is indeed a medium of many contrasts. Never-the-less, art is about perception. Whichever
format it takes, that which touches and moves its audience it indeed true art. In support of the contention presented above, it is
instructive to look to some of the most ancient of the worlds art. Much of this ancient art has transcended the boundaries of time to impact audiences of today.
Take the popular artistic design dubbed "Kokapelli", for example. Kokopelli is quite possibly one of the most widely recognized Native American designs to the general public. Kokopelli
is indeed a wanderer, appearing on ancient cave walls and pottery to contemporary jewelry. He is known by the present day Pueblo people as a wandering minstrel. He
traveled from one village to another with his ever-present flute and a bag of songs thrown over his back (Kehoe, 1996). In some villages he is remembered as trading