• Research Paper on:
    Information Technology Strategic Plan for JP Morgan Chase

    Number of Pages: 7


    Summary of the research paper:

    This 7 page paper provides an IT analysis of this company. Examples of how changes may be implemented is provided. Company data is also discussed and a SWOT analysis is included. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

    Name of Research Paper File: RT13_SA624JPM.rtf

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    2002). That is, the company supplied all of the students at one school with their own personal computers (Harrison, Jr., 2002). The firm also supplied all of the teachers and  staff, including custodians, with computers (Harrison, Jr., 2002). The author reports: " With the banks resources, we have wrapped the school end-to-end in technology, all free of charge. Unlike  many corporate programs that donate only the computer equipment, this is a fully integrated, soup-to-nuts program" (Harrison, Jr., 2002, p. 23). This anecdote relays a milestone for the school, but  also sheds light on the generosity of the company. JP Morgan Chase may be generous, but the fact that it donated computers-as opposed to something else--suggests that its interest in  and reverence for information technology is significant. In writing an introduction for a term paper, a student should be aware that sometimes a creative introduction will not necessarily address  the subject at hand immediately. This does not mean that the paper has strayed from the topic. Rather, it is a creative method of introducing material. When the student writes  his or her own paper, he or she might want to experiment with different types of bold introductions which captures the readers attention. In this case, an anecdote about JP  Morgan is relayed which serves as an introduction for how this firm might approach the subject of information technology. Before embarking on the analysis of the firm, as it respects  IT, an overview of the company, and how it embraces information technology is appropriate. II. J.P. Morgan Chase JP Morgan Chase & Company is a significant financial  services company that boasts assets of more than a trillion dollars and operates globally ("JP Morgan Chase & Company," 2006). In fact, it does business in more than fifty different 

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