This 3 page paper is an argumentative essay arguing that there is a strong ethical case to reduce aid to Africa, arguing that it is holding back development and other policies or strategies would be of greater benefit to African nations.
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that proliferates the perception of a continent in need of aid. However, when looking at those who are most evangelical about raising aid; with advocates such as Bob Geldof, there
is a distinct lack Africans. This may be seen as indicative that many advocates for development within the African States believe that aid is not helping. Indeed, there are a
number so strong arguments that aid is undermining the ability of the nations to develop, holding them back from becoming independent, rather than supporting the development. Therefore, it may be
argued as time for aid to be cut and different economic policies to encourage development to be pursued. This is the message of the message in Dowdens books Africa; Altered
States, Ordinary Miracles, where he argues that the approach to aid is undervaluing Africa and the development which has already taken place, he shows how there is a great deal
of positive growth, how many of the dictator of the past are now gone, and that social, political and economic development is taking place, but not being reported in the
media as it goes against the message of the aid agencies. There is a saying that is often used in the context of the provision of aid; give a
man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for the rest of his life. This is a
lesson that aid providers and workers have put to work in some local communities, but the ability to apply the same concept to government and national economies is undermined.
The images that are presented in the media do give an impression of a country in need of aid, but they are only part of the story. In areas where