This research paper, which uses tutorial language, discusses sex discrimnation and offers an overview of federal, state, and business law. The writer specficially looses at cases in which businesses have paid millions in fines and penalities in regards to harassment caseds. This six page paper has four sources in the bibliography.
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pertaining to sexual discrimination and in addition outline clauses which define pay equity, compensation, and equal benefits and opportunities for women. Despite these legal obligations, employers still pay millions of
dollars out to women employees in sexual discrimination and harassment cases each year. [Tutorial and transitional sentences are in square brackets and will lead the reader into the next
section. Section I deals with current federal, state and county laws regarding sexual discrimination...] Federal and State Laws on Sexual Discrimination and Harassment Over the last forty years there have
been several updates to the federal and state laws regarding sexual harassment in the work place and pay equity. The Federal Law Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of
1964 which was updated and amended again in 1972 and 1991 prohibits "discrimination on the basis of sex in all terms, conditions or privileges of employment, and allows limited compensatory
and punitive damages". In addition, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) in 1980 added to its guidelines on "Discrimination because of Sex" that sexual harassment is an "unlawful employment practice"
(Montgomery Work-Life Alliance, 2002; Chamberlain, 1997). Despite the federal laws which must be followed across the country several states have added their own laws against sexual discrimination in the work
place. Many of the guidelines for the state laws are similar to those imposed in the state of Maryland. In Maryland, the Civil Code, Article 49B of the Annotated Code
of Maryland prohibits discrimination in employment on the basis of sex with respect to compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges. They have also reinforced the law in regards to the Criminal
Code Article 27, Section 464B and C of the Annotated Code of Maryland which prohibits "coercive sexual demands or contact, including the intentional touching of any intimate part of the