A 12 page paper assessing the attractiveness of developing water sports in Cuba. The paper reviews Cuba’s political and economic history over the past several years and includes SWOT and PESTLE analyses to conclude that Cuba may be attractive in the future but is not at the present time. Developers willing and able to wait the lengthy time that negotiations are likely to require should proceed with overtures to the Cuban government. Plans to further develop the diving industry could be attractive, but plans to develop associated, non-motorized water sports could be even more attractive to the Cuban government. Those already involved in Cuban diving are likely to have their own ideas and plans for development; others seeking to enter Cuba’s tourism industry would be wise to focus on sailing or kayaking. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
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Cuba, located 90 miles South of the United States and at the entrance to the Gulf of Mexico, is a land of contrast and paradox. Ideology has
prevented the island nation from prospering to the degree that its neighbors did throughout the growth phase of the 1990s; indeed it spent all of that decade recovering from the
collapse of the Soviet Union and subsequent loss of that nations annual aid of $4 - $6.5 billion (Cuba). Fidel Castro gained control
of Cuba in 1959 and has maintained communist dictatorial rule since that time. The government of the United States placed a trade embargo on Cuba following the Bay of
Pigs incident in 1961, an embargo that only recently has eased to become a partial - rather than total - embargo. US citizens formerly were not permitted to visit
Cuba after 1961. That has changed as relations have eased in the past several years, but visitation to Cuba by US citizens still is frowned on - but not
prohibited - by the US government. Castro still is ideologically committed to communism but has come to face the realities of the inability
to sustain it long term. Per capita GDP in 2002 was only $2,300 (Cuba), and that figure cannot be seen as being merely "relative" in Cuba as is possible
in some other nations. Most of Cubas people live in abject poverty. As was the case in China, which also retains its
official commitment to communism, Cuba has reluctantly turned to capitalism as a means of providing a measure of support for the nations people. Cubas tropical location combined with lack
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