• Research Paper on:
    Marketing Plan for Blue Breeze Wind Park

    Number of Pages: 6


    Summary of the research paper:

    This 6 page paper develops a marketing plan for a company selling power with the provision and running of wind turbines. The initial primary market is farmers and ranchers with power companies targeted later in the company’s development. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

    Name of Research Paper File: TS14_TEbluebr.rtf

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    the associated problems of pollution caused by power creation. The need for power is increasing; in 2004 alone the United States consumed a total of 3.717 trillion kWh (CIA, 2007).  Much of the power production is provided with the use by fossil fuels, but these are an exhaustible resource and increase the emission of green house gases into the atmosphere.  The cost of the traditional power sources is also increasing exponentially. However there are also some resources that are not expansible and may be argued as increasing the potential  for renewable energy sources that are cleaner and as such may also be lower cost. Wind power has been seen as one of these potential solutions. The ability to harness  wind power has been studied for many years, the use of wind turbines. Blue Breeze Wind Park is a company that wants  to tap into this potentially lucrative market, providing power using wind turbines in order to provide an alternative source of power. Marketing and Product Objectives Blue Breeze Wind Park  wants to take advantage of the current demand in the power markets for alternative costs effective clean sources of power. The company will loo at entering the current market with  the ability to provide market demands that are not currently provided by other suppliers. The target markets are utility companies, ranchers and farmers. The development of the wind turbine business  will include the manufacture of new and recycling and refurbishment of used wind turbines. The aim is to install wind turbines in a number of suitable geographical areas where  wind flows are suitable. The development of new and refurbishment of old wind turbines will provide a range of turbines suitable to different conditions, The general characteristics will be that 

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