• Research Paper on:
    Marketing Plan for a New Bottled Water

    Number of Pages: 7


    Summary of the research paper:

    This 7 page paper is a marketing plan for the introduction of a new bottled water into the UK market. The paper starts an in-depth analysis of the marketplace, and then goes on to examine the target market and presents a proposal for marketing based on 4 P’s framework. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

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    very attractive market for a firm that has already established itself in France. In order to develop an integrated marketing campaign it is important to consider the market, its size  and characteristics as well as the main competitors. This report will first look at the marketing environment within which the launch will need to take place and then develop a  suitable marketing approach to be used of the launch of a new bottled water, the able finish with a consideration of the marketing mix and the proposed promotion strategy.  2. The Market Place There may be a perception that the UK is not the most attractive market for expansion, it is not in the top ten countries for the  sale of bottled water, the total demand for bottled water in the UK in 2009 was 4611 million gallons (BBW, 2010), compared with the top ten countries this is a  much smaller market, figures for the demand in 2002 for the top 10 are shown in figure 1. Figure 1 Sale of bottled water by volume in 20022 (IBWA,  2005) Rank Country Millions of gallons 1 United States 6,018.5 2 Mexico 3,898.6 3 China 2,610.1 4 Italy 2,558.2 5 Brazil 2,541.8 6 Germany 2,371.5 7 France 2,225.6 8 Indonesia  1,622.5 9 Thailand 1,277.0 10 Spain 1,133.7 Top 10 Subtotal 26,257.4 All Others 8,435.4 WORLD TOTAL 34,692.8  However, the UK has some specific advantages, not only due to the location cloise to France, it is also a market that is compact and  one that is showing growth in terms of the demand, which is expected to continue (BBW, 2010). The market is growing at an impressive rate, 1993 the market was only 

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