• Research Paper on:
    Marvel Case Study

    Number of Pages: 7


    Summary of the research paper:

    This 7 page paper looks at the case study of Marvel and look sat three ways the company can grow. The first method suggests an acquisition, the second a strategic alliance and the last is a strategy for organic growth. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

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    placed the company into a position of success but there is some concern that the resources have been used and there is less left to leverage. The company argue  that they have a library of more than 4,000 characters but in many cases they are all associated with a single character, such as 50 friends and 50 foes for  Spiderman, making 100 Sideman characters. Therefore, although there is a large library there are also constraints. The company also has a thriving publishing company and benefits form the licensing of  toys and the agreement with the licensing of the characters with motion pictures. In order to move forward we will look at three ways of moving forward, with the use  of acquisition, strategic alliance or partnership and organic growth. 2. Growth Strategies 2.1 Growth by Acquisition With growth by acquisition there are several strategies that could be  followed; these may include vertical or horizontal expansion. In terms of vertical, integration there are few suppliers the company is already a publisher and the manufacture or toys and movies  are licensed and as such no integration needed. In terms of the outlets, there may be some argument for acquiring a series of newsagent, but this is too unrelated and  is unlikely to add vlaue. As such we need to look for related acquisition that will add to the current resource based and potential market share.  The target company we are proposing is Studio Gainax, this is a Japanese animation studio making Animee films. This company started out as amateur production studios as  Daicon Films, the company started out making films for the Diacon science fiction conventions and were responsible for major productions such as Wings of Honneamise (Drazen, 2003). 

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