• Research Paper on:
    Motivating Mothers Who Work

    Number of Pages: 9


    Summary of the research paper:

    In nine pages this paper examines working mothers and how to motivate them. Six sources are cited in the bibliography.

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    the home because they need to or they may work outside the home because they want to. And, many of those women who work are also mothers, a condition which  presents many women with a great deal of tension and confusion due to the fact that most women have a sense of guilt and stress associated with balancing their role  as a mother, possibly a wife, and also an employee. In all of these respects, and more, we find that there are many reasons why mothers work, what motivates them  to work, and what implications working has upon families as it relates to mothers. In the following paper we examine some of the issues, discussing what motivates women to work  and keep working, what motivates women to maintain households as well as employment, and what implications such conditions have upon families, and predominantly the children in the family.  Motivation As is the case with any pursuit or endeavor, there are many things which motivate people to activity. In the case of working mothers there are several things which  can, and do, motivate mothers to work. As mentioned, some women have to work and others work because they choose to. Understanding that these are the two primary reasons for  mothers entering the work force we begin by examining the two, beginning with mothers who have to work. In understanding that many mothers have to work we find that the  motivation is, in its most basic definition, survival. This applies to single women most especially for many single women have a choice of living off the system on welfare, or  working to make a living so that the family can be supported. Many of these women may not wish to work, and many may enjoy working. As an example this 

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