• Research Paper on:
    Necessity of Government

    Number of Pages: 5


    Summary of the research paper:

    Theories of John Locke and Thomas Hobbes are applied to this consideration of the necessity of government in five pages. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.

    Name of Research Paper File: RT13_SA308gov.rtf

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    make sure that murderers get their punishments and traffic flows without too many mishaps. One can imagine if there were no traffic lights or paved roads, two things that are  government innovations and government-run, cities would be in chaos. Still, there is somewhere a pie in the sky notion that people can just cooperate without a government. There can just  be a peaceful existence if only people were allowed to do what they wanted. Is is possible to have a society without a government? If not, why is government needed?  There have been tribal communities that have not found a government to be necessary perhaps but generally speaking, modern civilization has rendered government a necessary thing. It seems that without  it there would be anarchy. Even libertarians believe in a small government, and are against no government at all. Some people who do not appreciate governments intrusions, including libertarians, support  a bare bones type of leadership. This means that government stays out of the peoples business for the most part and does not involve itself with issues that go to  morality--pornography, abortion, drugs--and would have a live and let live attitude. Essentially, the purpose of the government would be to run the country in terms of routine items such as  traffic and violent crime and international relations. It would create a strong national defense, but leave many issues up to communities. There would be much individual choice as opposed to  state mandated activity. Taxes would be streamlined and there would be little in terms of a welfare system. Others of course see government as being an outbranch of a good  society and believe that government should act like Robin Hood and redistribute wealth. Many people also believe that government should be involved in the lives of people to create quality 

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