An 10 page discussion of the varied roles which our Presidents must fulfill. The author emphasizes that various checks and balances are in place to regulate Presidential power but acknowledges the precise manner in which power is utilized varies according to individual and circumstances. Compares the approaches of George Bush Senior and Bill Clinton, contending that while Bush was an effective Commander in Chief Clinton was an embarrassment. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
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of the United States plays in domestic and international affairs is quite varied. Not only is the position held the top post in U.S. government, it is the
chief of state and plays a tremendously important role in precedence setting. Given our current state of world affairs and our countrys status as the most powerful nation on
earth, one of the most interesting roles played out by the President of the United States is that of commander in chief of our armed forces. The Presidents power,
however, is kept in check by a number of factors such as other key political players and the environment in which a President is serving as well as the structure
of the political system itself. While this structure and many of the political provisions which serve to keep presidential power in check have been in place since the formation
of the Constitution itself, other provisions have been put in place over the history of our country as the need arose. The efficacy of a particular president in playing
out the role of commander in chief still varies dramatically between those that hold the position. This is particularly evident in comparing the presidencys of George Bush Senior and
Bill Clinton. As a matter of fairness when comparing the administrations of such diverse figures as George Bush and Bill Clinton, it is
necessary to first point out that a variety of factors were at play in each of these administrations which to a large degree controlled these mens respective power. Today,
however, we often view our President as making those decisions. In reality, nothing could be further from the case. Not only is our President truly elected by an
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