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    Number of Pages: 3


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    This 3-page paper provides a proposal on a contest that helps spur book sales.

    Name of Research Paper File: D0_MTpromcont.rtf

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    do the characters mentioned in this particular example. The paper, however, provides an example of how such a proposal would be structured.  Overview: The contest will be entitled "Your Hearts Desire" (the name of the novel is "Hearts Desire,") and will take place in conjunction with Valentines Day.  The Market: Much of the market of romance readers are women, generally between the ages of 18 and 54.  The Concept: In this contest, readers and potential readers will be asked to text or e-mail their response to the question of who their favorite male is in  "Hearts Desire" - fiery hero Stephen, who steals heroine Hermoines heart, or Stephens sidekick Greg, who provides a strong, sexy voice of reason. The best answer, as determined by the  novels author and two friends, will win the prize. The Prize: A box of chocolates, a basket of scented bath products, and  a copy of the novels sequel, "Forever Flame." Marketing the Contest: The contests marketing will begin on February 1 and last through  February 13, with the winner to be announced on February 14. We restrict it to this two-week period to put a sense of urgency into the activity. If the period  is longer, people will forget about it, if shorter, they may not have enough time to respond. The contest promotion will start  on February 1, and will consist of e-mails to readers and potential readers asking them to submit their entries. The next 

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