In four pages this paper discusses potential career directions of physical education and marine biology with the distinctions between each evaluated. Three sources are cited in the bibliography.
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The student choosing an occupational path has a number of considerations to take into account. Even fields as apparently unrelated as Marine Biology and Physical Education
(a field often pursued by Personal Trainers) in reality have a number of similarities in regard to certain coursework and career paths which could be chosen. Such fields also
have a number of distinctions which the student should consider. There are differences, for example, in regard to the number of years a student might have to devote to
securing the appropriate credentials in these fields, the number of jobs which are potentially available, as well as in the salary associated with these fields.
The academic paths for marine biology and physical education vary according to the students overall intentions. Pursuing the occupation of a Personal Trainer, for example, might be
as simple as obtaining a certificate of completion in a recognized non-college program. The Personal Trainer might also elect, however, to pursue college coursework and even advanced degrees.
The point is that the academic options which are available to the prospective Personal Trainer are quite varied. Really the whole question as to whether a college degree is
required for success in any field is dependent on artificially construed occupational prerequisites and even upon our definition of success. Some fields, for example, have very specific academic requirements
which must be met if an applicant is to even be considered. While the job of a Personal Trainer may or may not fall under this caveat, the marine
biologists has more specific academic expectations in place. At a minimum the marine biologist must secure a Bachelors Degree. Most