This 7 page paper looks at expository and powerful preaching and evaluates methodology. The thesis of the paper is that preaching must be sincere and method is not necessarily equated with effectiveness. Personal life is discussed as well and the Jim Bakker controversy is used as an example. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
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rather ethereal. One cannot give a particular prescription for deriving such power as it would negate the reason for it. In other words, gaining power in terms of preaching is
not something that one can just do. The power comes from God and the way in which He works through the preacher. Effectively, a preacher cannot read a how-to manual
or perfect preaching by rote. It is not something learned. While technique may matter to some extent, it is conviction that really counts. Some techniques however can help a sincere
preacher to teach Gods word. For example, expository preaching is something that many implement in their roles as preachers. There are three styles of this type of preaching, one
of which is deductive1. The deductive type is often referred to as the proposition stated message as the style is actually the exposition of the biblical text and the signature
of a deductive message is in fact the early statement of its theme2 . Inductive preaching however is when the specifics of a text are taken and changed to be
consistent with one, particular idea3 . Here, there is a major premise and it has fewer types than does deductive preaching4 . The third type is a combination approach of
the two discussed5 . Many preachers today take contemporary problems and use one form of exposition or another in order to bring the bible to the present and show the
congregation how it applies. For example, a preacher may discuss the terrorist attacks and show how it applies to biblical text mostly to quell fear, and not to stir it
up. While many preachers embrace such techniques, not everyone agrees that expository preaching is really needed6 . One author goes on to say that preachers are no longer thought