A 4 page research proposal that outlines the parameters for a study to assess whether being abused as a child puts a person at risk for becoming an abuser later in life. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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It has frequently been surmised in literature, and in the popular media, that children who are sexually abused are at risk to become abusers themselves as adults. This study proposes
to explore the question of whether or not children who have been abused are more likely than non-abused children to become sexually abusive themselves in later life. The dependent variable,
in the proposed study, is whether or not the adult survivor of childhood sexual abuse becomes an abuser and the independent variable is the abuse suffered in childhood. Garcia,
et al (2002). Conducted a study in which sexual abuse was the independent variable and whether or not this experience affected suicide ideation and/or sexual orientation were the dependent variables.
In this study, sexual abuse was defined as being touched in sexual manner without permission from the individual and also being forced to sex when the individual did not
give permission (Garcia, et al, 2002). Salter, et al (2003) conducted a study in which sexual abuse in childhood provided the independent variable while whether to not the victim became
an abuser in adult life served as the dependent variable. To the question posed by the student researching this assignment as to how to differentiate the Salter, et al
study from the proposed study, there is no difference as the study stands. Your hypothesis is identical. However, you can differentiate between this study and your own by including
women in your study sample. The Salter, et al study only included male victims of child abuse. Therefore, your study question could include whether a history of child abuse also
puts women at risk to become abusers, as well as men. Salter, et al (2002) do not specifically state how they defined sexual abuse, but rather indicated that they