This 21 page paper is based in research conducted by the student to look at the barriers of ICT or IT in schools. The research included questionnaires to students and teachers. The paper describes the methodology, presents the results, analyses and discusses the result and then gives recommendations.
Name of Research Paper File: TS14_TEictschl.rtf
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1. Investigation and evidence gathering. To investigate the way in which ICT is delivered and identify any barriers there are two main stakeholder groups that are involved at the
grass roots level; the pupils and the teachers. For this reason we need to look to both of these groups when we identify the barriers which exist as pupils will
give a valuable insight into the results they are achieving and the way they use ICT and perceive it. Teachers are those delivering the ICT lessons and may be better
placed in order to assess some of the issues concerned. There are many ways we can approach this subject as it is very broad. There is the need to
gain primary data direct from a sample group which we hope will be representative of the population being studies and those who teach them. This means identifying a sample group.
The potential target were all attending a single school and may be in specific years, the student will need to fill us in on this. Using the teachers and the
pupils from the same school allows the two sets of data to be compared in order to identify any important agreements of disagreements. The data was collected with the
use of self completing questionnaires. This option was chosen as it was felt this would avid any potential of biasing influences that would be present is the questionnaires were asked
by an interviewer. In some instances this may mean there is some ambiguity and it was ensured that where respondents dud need to ask a question that there was a
contact point where the meaning of a question should be clarified. The student is advised to make some changes to the questionnaire and re-evaluate results in some questions, such
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