• Research Paper on:
    Review of Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov

    Number of Pages: 5


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    In five pages this paper describes visual artistic perspectives of Nabokov's Lolita.

    Name of Research Paper File: D0_BBlolita.doc

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    they can provide more information about the puzzle that surrounds us. Are there other spiritual Humberts out there? If so what happens when they meet another of their  own kind? BBlolita.doc Vladimir Nabokovs Lolita (1958): A Review Aka: Nabokov Dances with Coyote.  Written by B. Bryan Babcock for the Paperstore, Inc., March 2001 Note to the student: Please use your edition number of the book, or  that which the majority of the class is using, and list in the "works cited" section. Introduction The wonderful thing about the art process, both in the creation of a  piece and the "viewing" of the work is that the viewer/reader brings their own feelings -their own spirit to the work, and then shifts through the corresponding pieces to see  if they can provide more information about the puzzle that surrounds us. Are there other spiritual Humberts out there? If so what happens when they meet another of  their own kind? Critique minus morality There is no doubt either in the writers mind or in the readers about the moral depravity of a middle-aged man obsession with a  "girl-child." The writer accepts it about himself - the challenge then remains, do we accept it as readers. If the idea stymies you - then you will miss  some amazing writing, for Nabokov dances with words, as though they are music, which only he hears and translates for us. He dances forward and backward and challenges us  to keep up: " Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, exhibit number one is what the seraphs, the misinformed, simple, noble-winged seraphs, envied. Look at this tangle of 

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