• Research Paper on:
    The Different Voices Of Gender

    Number of Pages: 6


    Summary of the research paper:

    This 6 page paper analyzes the research reported in the article of this title by Wolfinger and Rabow. Specifically, this paper addresses the basis for the research, methodology, results and implications of results which add to the understanding of the differences in how men and women communicate.

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    the worlds attention on how men and women speak differently. Other researchers such as Ochs have asserted that gendered speech should be examined within the context of the interaction occurring.  Those who have studied speaking styles have noted that women often quality their assertions by including a tag question, e.g., "Its going to rain tomorrow, isnt it?" Also, some researchers  have posited that men are more likely than women to include references to objects, places and times in their talk (Wolfinger and Rabow, 1997).  Wolfinger and Rabow note that although this kind of research increases understanding of the relationship between communication and gender, it does not address the relationship of interaction in  the conversation. They assert that speaking is only part of any conversation; whatever is said must be heard and interpreted by another person. They point to the fact that some  researchers have examined differences at the "level of interaction" but they also do not address the issue of interpretation. For instance, some investigators have posited that men interrupt women more  than women interrupt men. This kind of research offers insight into the structure of the conversation but it does not increase insight into how the participants in the conversation interpret  the content. This is a part of gendered speech that needs investigators. These were all reasons for the investigators to undertake the present study (Wolfinger and Rabow, 1997).  Another driving force for their research was based on the highly controversial work of Gilligan who posited that women and men had very distinctive modes  of expression, or voices. Gilligan argued that women tended to conceptualize moral dilemmas in terms of social relationships while men tended to conceptualize moral dilemmas in terms of principles or 

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