A 5 page contention that secularist ideologues are decaying our traditional values on topics such as marriage between man and woman, abortion, pledge of allegiance and saying "Under God". Supreme Court nominations are critical because when those that do not support our traditional values enter the Supreme Court they are given long-term power. Their decisions slowly and methodically change our law and our country. Bibliogrpahy lists 4 sources.
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Secularist ideologues are decaying our traditional values on topics such as marriage between man and woman, abortion, pledge of allegiance and saying
"Under God". Although the majority of Americans are not supportive of this degradation of our values and our traditions, the vocal few have managed to infiltrate positions of great
political power. Others of this mindset wage a continual war on a variety of American fronts. we find them in small county courthouses, on talk radio, on the
Internet, and even on street corners blasting the majorities preference for such values as respect for human life and the sanctity of marriage as it exists between one man and
woman, patriotism, and reverence to the Higher Being that created our world. Even those laws that are on the books to protect our freedoms and rights as Americans are
being rewritten and reinterpreted on a daily basis to slowly erode the very precepts that this country was founded upon. This is why Judicial nominations are so vitally important.
Those that set on our Supreme Court are the final deciders in this war. They decide both the legitimacy of law and serve as final interpreters of that
law. Our concept of the United States, of course, is inextractibly tied with that of democracy. Democracy, that grand and glorious concept
which has been pursued by countries around the world, purports to represent the ideologies of the people. Democracy as a concept encompasses many other concepts such as morality, ethics,
and basic human rights. It calls to mind such basic premises as equality and, indeed, a number of universally valid principles which were applicable to all aspects of man