This paper examines the achievements of Jones, otherwise known as, Mother. The author discusses her fame, radical politics, and enduring determination. This eleven page paper has six sources listed in the bibliography.
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nobody and yet she was the embodiment of tens of thousands of the working poor. At the same time, she made certain that she was not simply looked over as
another poor immigrant woman without money, family, or connections. Mary Harris Jones carried a message to the people of Africa regarding the nations women, its poor, and its workers. She
told the truth that nobody wanted to hear . . .especially when it came from an immigrant woman. And yet, Mary Jones personifies the spirit which became an essential component
of the womens movement in America. Bibliography lists 6 sources. BWmojone.rtf "My address is like my shoes. It travels with me" -- Mary
"Mother" Harris Jones By: C.B. Rodgers - November 2001 -- for more information on using this paper properly! Introduction The first thing
the student writing about Mary Harris Jones (1837- 1930), who is most often known by the name "Mother Jones" is that she was unlike any other woman of her time.
Because of her radical politics and her determination, she was one of the most famous women in America in the early years of the 20th century. She was famous
in many respects because she was nobody and yet she was the embodiment of tens of thousands of the working poor. At the same time, she made certain that she
was not simply looked over as another poor immigrant woman without money, family, or connections. She took a stand against the most powerful men of her day. If
there is one fundamental thing the student researching Mother Jones should understand it is that she refused to allow societal standards to define her existence or to govern her
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