This 5 page paper discusses the causes of the tsunami and where such events are most likely to occur. There are 3 sources listed in the bibliography.
Name of Research Paper File: JR7_RAtsunam.doc
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have been known to totally destroy regions close to the sea and are a reality that threatens us even today. In the following paper we present an overview of tsunami.
Tsunami The enormous waves which are created by a sudden disturbance in the ocean are known as tsunami. They are typical caused by earthquakes and underwater landslides, which are
sometimes triggered by small earthquakes. "Tsunami generally travel very fast across the ocean (typically 500km/h or more). In deep water the tsunami height might not be great but the height
can increase dramatically when they reach the shoreline because the wave slows in shallow water and the energy becomes more concentrated" (Paine Spacegd7.html). In addition to the obviously inherent increase
in the height of the wave from this particular shoaling effect, "the momentum of the wave might cause it to reach a considerable height as it travels up sloping land.
It is typical for multiple waves to result from one tsunami-generating event and these could be several hours apart when they reach a distant shore" (Paine Spacegd7.html). This is where
the devastation comes into play. "Tsunami is Japanese for harbour wave which is misleading to the Japanese because tsunami dont just occur in harbours. Scientists dislike the term
tidal wave as used by the Press but there is a little logic in the term - some tsunamis do not break when they reach land but surge like a
massive, fast moving high tide to flood low-lying areas. Much of the damage comes as they recede back into the ocean" (Paine Spacegd7.html). In better understanding the terms applied
to tsunami, we find that the amplitude is approximately the maximum height of the wave above sea level when in deep, which is not the same as double amplitude,