This is a 4 page paper that provides an overview of the US Supreme Court. The purpose, structure, and powers of the institution are explored. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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listed below. Citation styles constantly change, and these examples may not contain the most recent updates. The Purpose and Powers of the United States Supreme
Court , 1/2011 --properly! The Constitution is the founding document of the United States of America and outlines the various rights
and privileges that are guaranteed to citizens of the country. Consequently, the document is also the foundation of much of United States law. For instance, moral considerations aside, murder is
classified as a crime precisely because it is an action that robs another individual of the right to life that is guaranteed in the Constitution. Theft is illegal because it
violates the right to own property. Clearly, the Constitution is at the core of most all legal disputes in the United States, both criminal and civil. There are times, however,
when the Constitution is ambiguous about its intent, and during these times, some kind of end authority on the matter is required, lest cases involving these ambiguities never be resolved.
This is where the United States Supreme Court, with their ultimate discretionary authority to interpret the United States Constitution, comes into play. This paragraph helps the student explain the
purpose of the United States Supreme Court. The United States Supreme Court was established for one primary reason, which is to act as the final interpretation of the US Constitution
(Meyer & Grant, 2003). Virtually all legal cases involve the question of violation of Constitutional rights, and thusly the power of deliver a final lasting judgment on a Constitutional matter
carries a great deal of judicial weight, which is why the Supreme Court is often referred to as the "court of last resort" (Meyer & Grant, 2003). Unlike courts